Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Sun Coast Adventure Park

For some reason the word Adventure did not prepare me for the physical exertion Saturday, May 14 would require. I must warn you that this place is not for you if you are allergic to your own perspiration. About 40 of us from the office went together. We bundled at the entrance gate and took a little while to settle in while the administrative portion was dealt with, as is usually the case with large groups. Bags in hand we chattered as we entered the park, deciding what we were going to do first. We were quieter as we walked the long windy rocky path to the paintball courses, taking in the sand ball field, the zip line and all the safety signs that assured us that things could go seriously wrong if we weren’t careful.

Nevertheless we were noisy while being instructed on the various safety precautions the park took. This was much to the annoyance of one dear marshal who I will here nickname the “headmaster”, who wore a perpetual scowl.

Our first activity was “capture the flag”. Strapped in a vest and safety goggles too large for me with a gun that could tip me over I opted for sheltering behind the first obstacle and not moving for the entire round…game…day.

Others seemed in their element, rolling in the dirt, crawling on all fours, dashing, flipping and back flipping like action movie stars.

There were varieties of the game, such as last man standing, which left most of us watching and cheering from the sidelines as the last two renegades battled it out to shouts of “him a come” and “duck nuh”.  

The real military experience came from the lunchtime rations as we huddled together to get our meals with nary a smile from our servers. One individual was asked his name as the headmaster checked for it on a list. We joked that we might need identification cards to collect our lunch.
Once lunch had settled the bravest of us climbed onto the zip line while others played basketball on the courts.

Some got strapped up and after but one step onto the tight rope retreated to solid ground. One co-worker claimed, “you leave your heart after the first step.” I don’t think I need to tell you that I did not attempt this activity but opted for the black sand beach instead.  Granny always seh, “coward man keep sound bones”. Plus, the beach was fun; and, no, I did not miss hanging off a rope with my life in the balance.

The more active ones returned to the paintball field and fared well against another group of patrons. The former were seen sprawled out on the floor panting when we returned from the beach.

There was no shortage of activities with four paintball courses, a shooting range and a variety of other activities such as a maze, swings, seesaw and board games.

It’s a great place to take your family, co-workers or just a group of friends. Nothing beats seeing the more prim and proper members of your group hitting the ground to dodge bullets or to the sand to save goals on the sand ball course. My only advice is to ignore that rule about carrying food and bring along an extra smile for the headmaster. The trip set us back little more than 100K and considering the numbers that’s not a bad price at all.
All things considered, this KA blogger gives Sun Coast Adventure Park 3.5 stars.

KA Blogger

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