I am Niishi and my partner in crime is Stazii.
We are your KA bloggers (for now). But don't worry as more join our team we will not neglect to introduce them.
Hey if you want to join our team, let us know. We'll see if you have what it takes. Ring us up at 382-8058 or e-mail us at ka.jamaica@gmail.com.
Blogger Profile:
Name: Ana-Stassia "Stazii" McLeish
Age: 21
Bday: April 25
Outstanding Feature: Big, Brown Eyes
Bio: Law student at Utech, avid party-goer, loves to see a great outfit
Style: Colourful, Trendy, Ultra-modern, Easy-going Chic!
Favorite Designers: Dolce & Gabana
Favorite Item:
Link: http://twitter.com/#!/anabanana_7
Name: Tonisha 'Niishi' Farquharson
Age: 23
Bday: October 19
Outstanding Feature: Warm, Charming Smile
Bio: Bi-lingual with an interest in Internaitional Relations, writer, fashionista
Style: Classy but Eclectic
Favorite Designers: Louis Vuitton
Favorite Item:
Link: http://manasseh-write.blogspot.com/
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