Q: What are your full names?
A: Jammy 'Jam2' James & Camar 'Flavaunit' Doyles
Q: Occupation?
A: Jammy- Music Producers, Camar- Recording Artist
Q: How long have you been in the music industry?
A: A bit over 11years
Q: Of all the things you wanted to do why did you choose music?
A: Music allows us to express ourselves freely, It's what comes to us naturally without any extensive thought process, we find it very fulfilling, exciting and it keeps us very happy and well accomplished after every unique project.
Q: Do you believe that music impacts the society to the extent that critics say it does?
A: Well, if the critics are talking about it and even going as far as to agree that it does then I guess the answer to this question would already be... Yes! We do believe that music has a very big impact on society.
Q: Dancehall is undoubtedly a very raw brand of music. Do you think that that element of dancehall needs to be curbed?
A: We think if its raw, why curb it? But in a business world where record sales is the objective, we do think that curbing the sound of raw dancehall in order for it to reach a broader market and audience wouldn't be such a bad idea, it would more help to cross our sound and our culture.
Q: Ten, twenty years down the line, if people were to use one word to describe your music what would you want that to be?
A: "FIRE!!!!!"
Q: Apart from dancehall what genre of music do you listen to the most?
A: We listen to everything but we do enjoy Hip-Hop and and a few Pop Records
Q: What does the Jam 2Productions team do when they’re not doing music?
A: We spend time with our families and we try to enjoy a few party scenes "Chug It" is one of our favorite events.
Q: If I could give you a three-day vacation pass for anywhere in Jamaica where would you go?
A: Hedonism II or Breezes Resorts
Q: How important is image to you and why?
A: Image is everything to us! It is very, very important... we take our image thing very seriously because it ties us in even more with our fans and the general public, and it also gives us a sense of pride and it makes us feel confident when heading out on the road to take on the next job. People tend to respect you more based on how you carry yourself.
Q: Name one fashionable item that you have too much of?
A: Shoes/ Sneakers
Q: Name a piece of Jewellery you cant leave home without.
A: Our Chains and Time piece
KA Blogger
Thanks to give me these type of information...