Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Name: Sanjay Coppershot Smith
Age: 26
Occupation: Coppershot Studio Engineer, Disk Jockey,  Student

Q: Do you think that fashion has any effect on your industry?
A: Yeah I do. Fashion and the music industry go hand in hand

Q: How important is fashion to you? 
A: Walking naked isn’t illegal… lol.. a joke it is. But I don’t follow the latest trend I wear what I like.

Q: What is your favorite color to wear?  
A: Blue

Q: Name one fashion trend that you absolutely love.
A: Graphic Tees

Q: Name one fashion trend that you detest and state why.
A: Tight pants. Why would I want to look like a female.

Q: Who is your Favorite Designer?
A: Formal Wear – Kenneth Cole; Casual Wear - Aeropostale

Q: Do you know any Jamaican designers? Which is your favorite?
A: Yeah I do. Romeich Wear

Q: When you have on an outfit and you want to swag it up what always works?
A: A haircut and light appropriate accessories

Q: In your opinion what piece of clothing is sexiest on a woman?
A: Black Lace Lingerie (Victoria’s Secret)

KA Blogger

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